For making progress on your rough draft
I'm Caleb, a writer and the developer of Draft - a tool I built for rough drafting.
I love writing. It is one of the greatest joys of life. To set hands to keyboard, or pen to paper, and let the words flow one after another from that space in us capable of bringing something out of nothing. Whether it is to record a thought, to create a new story, or to capture one that has happened, writing is magic. It is the ability to transmit an idea, a thought, an emotion, through space and time to another person.
The moment where we sit in front of a blank page is a sacred moment. It is a fragile, delicate moment. The slightest wind can blow us off course, sweeping away the inspiration that brought us to our seat. When I began writing, I found this to often be the case. I would sit down to begin writing only to get distracted. Slowly, I saw that some of this distraction was caused by the tools I was using to write. I decided to create something that would work for me.
Draft provides the distraction free benefits of pen & paper, without the additional work of transcription when you are ready to edit. It is a refuge in which this miraculous act of creation can occur.
It is my hope that whether you are sitting down to write your first story, or you are a grizzled veteran beginning your one hundred eleventieth, Draft can help the words to flow a bit easier, allowing you to sink more deeply into joy of creation.
Write in peace,
In Draft, a "story" is how we group writing sessions. Once you have created a story, you will be able to start a writing session or resume a previous one with a single click.
This is where the magic happens. In Draft, you will write a single block of text at a time. As soon as you hit enter, that block will be added to your writing session and you are ready to add the next block.
When you are ready to edit your rough draft, copy the writing session and paste it into your favorite editor.
Draft will auto detect your browser or system settings and render in dark or light mode accordingly to give you the most enjoyable writing experience.
We've added some basic outlining capabilities to Draft so you can keep track of remaining items on your outline that need to be written. The next incomplete outline item will show up in the story view.
Every screen in Draft has been designed to be mobile friendly so you can write from your phone as well as your computer.